OTW Election 2023 Anh P. Jennifer H. Kathryn S. Qiao C. Zixin Z.
AI Content Policy

Continue to allow AI generated content

Canonising AI-related tags to allow for better filtering

Continue to allow AI generated content

Canonising AI-related tags to allow for better filtering

Continue to allow AI generated content

Canonising AI-related tags to allow for better filtering

Continue to allow AI generated content

Canonising AI-related tags to allow for better filtering

Continue to allow AI generated content

Canonising AI-related tags to allow for better filtering

Racism (Interal and External)

Maintain maximum inclusivity of content

Paid Diversity Consultant

Opposes DEI Committee

Opposes demographic data collection on volunteers and users

Maintain maximum inclusivity of content

Improve external communications

Org-wide DEI training

Paid Diversity Consultant

Maintain maximum inclusivity of content

Paid Diversity Consultant

Opposes DEI Committee

Maintain maximum inclusivity of content

Improve internal and external communications

Encourage people from diverse backgrounds to run in elections

Require diversity in internal or external recruitment

Opposes DEI Committee

Paid Diversity Consultant

Maintain maximum inclusivity of content

Improve external communications

Consult HR consultants before hiring a Diversity Consultant

Create DEI Sub-committee under Volunteers & Recruiting Committee

Volunteer Wellbeing Safeguards

Paid Human Resource Professional

Improved support

Burnout prevention

Volunteer workload audit to track working hours and responsibilities

Paid Human Resource Professional

Paid Human Resource Professional

Burnout prevention

Paid Human Resource Professional

Terms of Service, CSEM Procedures & Legal Committee

Update Terms of Service to expand PAC's power

Expand PAC size

Improve tools for PAC

Hire lawyers specialised in international law and Internet law

Update Terms of Service to expand PAC's power

Expand PAC size

Update Terms of Service to expand PAC's power

Expand PAC size

Increase number of admin roles

Implement Trust & Safety practices

Improve tools for PAC

External audit on the Legal Committee

Delegate non-Legal-Advocacy duties to an entity separate from the Legal Committee

Update Terms of Service

Expand PAC size

Improve tools for PAC

Recruit lawyers specialising in different disciplines

Improve transparency of Legal Committee

Update Terms of Service to expand PAC's power

Increase number of admin roles

Expand PAC size

Recruit lawyers specialising in different disciplines

Mandatory Archive Warning Policy Opposes new mandatory Archive warnings Opposes new mandatory Archive warnings

Opposes new mandatory Archive warnings in the short run

Mandatory Archive warnings should have a legal basis in the real world

Neutral opinion Opposes new mandatory Archive warnings
Bookmark Management Policy Maintain full reader control Maintain full reader control

Maintain full reader control

Option to turn off being able to see bookmarks of their own works

Turning blocked/muted users' bookmarks into private bookmarks
(Adverse effects[1])

Turning blocked/muted users' bookmarks into private bookmarks
(Adverse effects[1])

Permanent Tag Blocks

Account-level tag muting
(Adverse effects[2])

Account-level tag muting
(Adverse effects[2])

Account-level tag muting
(Adverse effects[2])

Account-level tag muting
(Adverse effects[2])

OTW Management Structure

Add appointed seats for administrative assistants

Paid full-time executive director

Supports culture audit

Implement recall elections

Establish procedure to enforce Code of Conduct on Board members

“Town Hall” sessions to address public interests in addition to Public Board Meetings

Internal Q&A sessions across various committees

OTW to self-host its own internal communication software

Clarify Code of Conduct enforcement process

Improve crisis management

Improve confidentiality clause

Improving external communications

Establish procedure to enforce Code of Conduct on Board members and Chairs

Improve internal and external communications

Appoint administrative staff

Supports institutional audit

Monthly Public Board Meetings instead of seasonal

Term limits on committee Chairs

Improving internal communications and cross-committee collaborations

Floating roles between committees

Improving internal documentations

Appoint Board Assistants

Recruit Board-Track volunteers

Paid Board administrator

Establish Board Advisory Group

Improve transparency for Board Meetings by allowing pre-meeting question submissions and publishing answers onto the OTW website

Supports institutional audit

Implement recall elections

Establish procedure to enforce Code of Conduct on Board members

Elections should to be able to run an election without the consent of the Board

Implement 1-on-1 check-in sessions with new volunteers

Implement exit interviews with leaving volunteers

Improving internal communications and cross-committee collaborations

Develop and maintain administrative procedures

New Committee Administrator roles to administrate the committees in addition to the Chairs

Separate Q&A sessions from public meetings

Hold Q&A sessions more frequently

Establish procedure to enforce Code of Conduct on Board members

Provide clear timeline for response for every feedback directed at the Board

Improving internal communications and cross-committee collaborations

Have Board members from different committees to improve Board-to-Committee communications

Implement recall elections

Establish procedure to enforce Code of Conduct on Board members

Appoint administrative staff

Hold more Public Board Meetings

Improve crisis management

Improving internal documentations

Committees to hold internal "open house" meetings to keep volunteers up to date

Future Development of OTW & Its Projects

Internationalisation of AO3, Fanlore and TWC

Translate AO3 user interface

Improving internal documentations

Hire software engineers to improve code quality and simplify setup process for sites that want to use Archive's code

"In a relationship" work search filter option for a character

Expand "Tag Search" page

Option for members to pay for other's memberships

Translate AO3 user interface

Form an OTW Foundation to fund non-OTW fandom-focused projects

Organization-wide moderation policy for news posts

Expand AD&T (Software engineering committee) size

New membership payment methods for Mainland Chinese members such as Alipay and UnionPay

Translate AO3 user interface

Translate AO3 user interface